Sunday, August 19, 2007

Small Town News - Indecision 2007

I thought I would just let you know that I am working very hard on a local campaign to oust the current leaders of our small town. I find that I cannot just sit idly by and watch my lovely small town continue to spin recklessly out of control and become another strip mall or industrial nightmare. Things in town have gotten far worse since I last posted.

You may have noticed a slacking off over the past couple of weeks of my regular posts and this is due to my work on the campaign. Lately, I have devoted almost all of my free time to this campaign leaving little if any time to write posts. I will dedicate myself to writing the Friday Fantasy posts since they are the most popular and of course keep up with the Pleasant Dreams.

I promise I will do my best. Thanks in advance for your patience.

Hey, if Sue says that she is busy, cut her some fucking slack!


jay said...

Hey: You do what you must! Good luck!

Doug said...

Go get 'em, Sue!

Sue said...

You bet! I intend to give 'em hell!

Anonymous said...

Does this still have to do with the extention of City Hall?

Sue said...

Yes, that and many other issues.

Anonymous said...

hey Sue,i love your blog!always read it!keep it up:)

Sue said...

Hey, thanks Valdir! Comment any time you like!

Jessica said...

Well, since you're busy... I'm sure you won't mind if I keep Francesco entertained at my place.

Grahamburger said...

Jessica...Francesco was coming to my place while Sue was busy. It was all arranged. You can come too, I guess but don't step on my plans. :P

I totally get being busy Sue! Which, actually, brings me to your comments on my blog! (Nice, segue, huh? I think I found a new talent. :P) I still do read the Friday Fantasies...which seem to get hotter all the time..but it's usually on Sunday...or Monday...or Tuesday...when I get around to it.

By the way, the pictures are up now and I will hopefully be posting tomorrow about my move!

Unknown said...


I am from a VERY small town in South Africa, after moving here from the big city, and I am on the same campaign.
Good luck, and we will make it work!

Sue said...

Gee wiz. Thanks for all the well wishes guys. I am so glad that you are all so willing to take care of "things" while I am away! Not! Keep your grubby little hands off my porn crush Jessica and G!

Siegfried - Thanks for commenting! Same great luck to you!

Grahamburger said... ruin all my fun! :P