Friday, October 10, 2008

Les Tireuses de Cartes

François Sagat has drawn another masterpiece for Fade:

Click to enlarge. The detail is wonderful, but unfortunately, enlarging the drawing will not reveal all of it. Taken from afar, the two beautiful ladies perhaps having a tarot card reading, look like a skull. This would be in keeping with one of the the previously stated themes of the Fade line, which has also included the macabre in François' other drawings for Fade in the past.

The work is imaginative and fantastical at once: "We are transported to a faraway land, with magical beings that sit on inlaid furnishings on finely woven carpets. They eat exotic foods and wear only the finest and most beautiful clothes. Our future is told to us by mystical cards and we feel as if we enter into a secret society."

I commend François on this marvelous work.

1 comment:

Linda! said...

i love it- it would make a great tattoo!