Saturday, February 21, 2009

François Sagat Posts Art & Photos

François Sagat has posted colorful and intriguing portrait art by David Gomez. The portraits include himself, other famous people such as President Barack Obama, and various animals. You can see them here.

Francois explains his message that accompanies photos of him:

Its a quote of Kathleen Turner in my favorite movie "Serial MOM" by John Waters...
she's insulting Dottie Hinckle on the phone,as an anonymous and obscene phone

that's just the translation in french ...

I'm crazy.

See the photos here.


Anonymous said...

Its a quote of Kathleen Turner in my favorite movie "Serial MOM" by John Waters...
she's insulting Dottie Hinckle on the phone,as an anonymous and obcene

that's just the translation in french ...

I'm crazy .

Sue said...

Thanks so much Francois - I shall correct the post immediately!

Stan said...

The portraits kind of remind me of Peter Maxx (I hope that doesn't offend anyone).
I would kill to have an ass like Francois!

Sue said...

He has the best ass in the world, IMHO.