Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Some Fresh Marvin & Andreas to Cleanse the Palate

In this photo of Pedro with Lucas we can see that he has a new tattoo (click to enlarge) that looks Mayan or Inca. I can't tell which. But what ever it is, he is still to die for gorgeous. Lucky dog being cradled against that manly chest!

Here, Daniel reclines, grinning, with the lucky Lucas. Sigh. I wish I could pet him. Guess which one I am talking about.

All of Pedro and Daniel's friends seem to have great dogs. This one included. We don't know his name, but he is Latin and gorgeous, which seem to be another requirement for being their friends. How about those mutts? Are they not the best examples of dog flesh that you have seen in a while? Are they mastiffs? Whatever they are, they are adorable. But not so much as their owner. Slurp.

This fine fellow is advertised as their "Best Jeans". I would have to agree. He does fill those jeans excellently. But, I would rather see them off. LOL.

Daniel Marvin & Pedro Andreas


Anonymous said...

I can never get enough of these two. Two very hot hunks! Enjoyed the chat last night Sue, how about you?

Sue said...

It was tons of fun! I can't figure out how Damien came so quick - must be because he is a pro!

AJ Llewellyn said...

Hi Sue, it was nice seeing you on the chat last night - and these hunks are HOT!
As for Kritie's question, I think Damien was off to the side playing with himself until he was ready to surprise us!