Monday, October 27, 2008

The Latest Slick It Up & Sagat Video

This is "Pillow Fight", a truly beautiful photo with tons of detail that must be enlarged to fully be appreciated. Francois let me know in the comments that the two models in the photo are David Mason (the one who created Slickitup) check out his blog at [now in my sidebar] very good stuff there and Brian Kenny, check his blog also very hot and artistic at Click on it, and enjoy!

The video is titled "Back Back Back" and is part of Sagat effects 2.

Source: Freaky


Anonymous said...

hey Sue ,
for your Information the 2 guys on the picture are David Mason (the one who created Slickitup) check his blog very good stuff there !!! and the other guy is Brian Kenny ,check his blog also very hot :
I'm actually not on this picture..just in the background as a poster lol...
enjoy the links.

Sue said...

Thanks for your informative comment Francois! I liked the Vader link so much I kept it! :)

Anonymous said...

wow how kinky being fucked by a manwolf line me up mmmmmmmmmmmm