Monday, November 03, 2008

Daily Wake Up Call










The Daily Slab


Linda! said...

i really want to follow the arrow tattoo...

Anonymous said...

In rendering wank's encomium to top in supine openfuck, such as in this final allusion to Sean Cody, the body communicates its tribute with gratifying and often even extractive directness; but who is to say, what surpasses the gaze's debt to top's idealised biceps and delts in his deliberate, calibrated tilt of our frame, whence the cherished, molded strands of our protection radiate precisely that embrace of our paroxysm which they foretell instantaneously, as prophets of our linkage by the horned and radiant avatar of their compassion?

Anonymous said...

With the tartan guys, who could fail to be impressed by the judiciously aimed buddytap -- and at such a propitious time, too? Now this is empathy to take one's breath away, at the very least.