Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Pleasant Dreams

The hour is late. This gentleman offers himself to you for the night to do with as you please. He is naked and ready. He may be unpredictable though. He does have that look about him, don't you think? Things may not go exactly as you plan. Not that that would be a bad thing... You just may need to be flexible and like a bit of adventure. Good night all!


Doug said...


SYNRGY said...

umm... Adventure is good...

Sue said...

Yes, Doug. He does look tasty.

Syn I was thinking of you when I said adventure. ;) It is a euphemism. Can you guess for what?

about a boy said...

adventure and unpredictable can be good. but look at that ass.

yes. chris is a little randy today. thank you sue!

Sue said...

Glad you like Chris!

Sh@ney said...

Oh my...*SUPER LICK*