Sunday, May 27, 2007

Fair View Announces 100 Countries Have Visited

You heard it correctly. As of today, 100 countries are represented in visits to Fair View. Countries with single visitors are: the Cayman Islands, El Salvador, Moldova, Pakistan, Myanmar, Bahrain, Eritrea, Trinidad and Tobago, the Bahamas, Maldives, Fiji, Jamaica, and Nigeria. Today, the 100th country, French Guiana, joined and we are very excited to welcome them to our little family.

To check out what other countries have been to Fair View, just look at the Neoworx flags on the side bar.


Sh@ney said...

Great news Sue...but expected from the quality in your writing & the entertainment value is top notch!

Sue said...

Thanks for the compliment and I would sure would like to think so. It probably is true for a few hundred or so folks in the US, UK, and Australia. But according to my site meter most folks from Europe, Asia and S. America, the Middle East and Africa come to see Oliver Frey and Francesco D'Macho.