Monday, March 02, 2009

Wake Up Call

Source: Balcon6


Stan said...

WOW! This is quite a nice hot group of men to start your engines this cold snowy morning. Thanks!

Damien said...

That was a LOVELY wake up call.

PS I am still working on questions for you suzie q. :)

Andrea said...

Number 9: sprawled on the bed...makes me think of crawling up on top of him and pulling some covers over!! yum!

Number 10: Stocking and riding crop...WOW. That is SO fucking sexy.

Ok and then Unexpected Marco!!!! I literally squealed and did a little dance for that sweet boy. Too hot for words- Belted is still one of my all time favorite solos.

God damn, how do you get a THING done with all these boys in your house?? Wooo!! I'd never get out of bed! :D

Anonymous said...

I think their penises are really big...
