...Two guys a year older invited me to go camping while we were at our summer home. I was secretly thrilled beyond measure. While I didn't yet understand why, just being around them made me feel fantastic. They were the cool jock sorts who had ignored me back home at school. In a summer resort town, however, cliques and pecking orders were far less important.
They introduced me to pot, which was an experience in itself. After we drifted down from our high, they introduced me to something else. Take off your clothes like us, they said. The cannabis had extinguished my inhibitions so I did like they did. Then they started touching each other. Their cocks started getting hard, as did mine. And then they were touching me, too.
I had entered a whole new world....

More ... more !!!
Sorry Anon., unless and until Gods writes more, that is all there is!
2 guys asked me to camping with them once Sue. Little did I know is all they wanted was for me to carry the camping gear. :)
Put your shoes on
Now that sounds like reality Anon.!!!
Did you add that pic, Sue? Those guys look stunning!
No, that photo is from the Gods' blog. Check it out, you'll see.
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