Thursday, July 17, 2008

Movie Review: Sean Bean in Essex Boys (2000)

Sean Bean plays one bad muthafucka in this portrayal of gangs in suburban England that is based on a true life event of a triple homicide in Essex. This film is excruciatingly violent, something that typically I abhor, but I loved every moment, because it was so well done and so not Hollywood. And of course it featured my all time favorite actor, Sean Bean, whom I would watch shoveling dog shit. He really has mastered the bad guy role, plus the Essex accent is so close to his own South Yorkshire it makes him totally believable as Jason Locke. I loved the surprise ending to the film. You can either rent it or watch it on YouTube. I highly recommend it and give it

***** of five stars.


Doug said...

Love his accent. Love him. I'll have to put this on my queue.

Sue said...

I am so glad!

Sh@ney said...

Sounds like a great movie Sue, I oppose violence too but it I will watch it in a movie no worries.

Thanks for the tip! And if you gave it 5 ***** then it must be good!