Sunday, January 27, 2008

Oliver Frey Masterworks

See much more Oliver Frey at my new blog!

I was trolling around Markus' site when I ran across these fine works of art by Oliver Frey that have not been posted in all their glory here at Fair View. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Click on image to enlarge.


Y said...

These are GREAT,Sue!Thx.Esp the 5th and 7th pic are fucking hot:)

Sue said...

Yeah, I love being able to post these without editing them.

about a boy said...

oh my! yet quite strikingly beautiful.

Jessica said...

If only there was a book that had all his work...

Sue said...

Based on the number of international hits I get when I post Frey's work, I would say there is a market for one. Shall we publish one and sell it Jessica?