Ben and Ethan are now representing Ginch-Gonch underwear.

But, they cannot seem to keep the product on for very long! They make a cute couple, don't they?
Courage, strength, fortitude. Power not arrested in the act of judgement, but passing on to further action, sometimes obstinacy.
This is a card of courage and energy. It represents both the Lion's hot, roaring energy, and the Maiden's steadfast will. The innocent Maiden is unafraid, undaunted, and indomitable. In some cards she opens the lion's mouth, in others she shuts it. Either way, she proves that inner strength is more powerful than raw physical strength. That forces can be controlled and used to score a victory is very close to the message of the Chariot, which might be why, in some decks, it is Justice that is card 8 instead of Strength. With strength you can control not only the situation, but yourself. It is a card about anger and impulse management, about creative answers, leadership and maintaining one's personal honor. It can also stand for a steadfast friend.
Love that first pic especially. They're no longer together, by the way.
Really? Do you know what happened Doug?
Yes, it was a lot of drama...something with the manager, I read about it on Ben's blog (he's the innocent one in all of it). Not sure if you still can, but BratBoySchool (Ethan's site) had some information about it all at one time.
Yeah, flipflipsboy's right. Lots of drama. Turned out Ethan apparently wasn't writing his blog, his manager apparently was, and there was all sorts of terrible drama about Ethan's manager. Not pretty. Allegedly, anyway. I felt sorry for poor Ben, but now I think he's in a new relationship. You can probably still find info about it on the web.
lots and lots of drama. sad really. i had been following them both. sigh. both are sexy as hell.
i wish them both the best.
First of all...that is a HOT picture of them, that first one. Where did you get that??
Anyways, as for their break up...I missed the drama, but from what I have gathered, it wasn't really Ethan's fault quite as much either. Ethan's manager screwed them both over. Ben's moved on, has a new beau, whatever, he's doing great. Ethan's been very down ever since, I feel bad for him much more than I do for Ben. Not that I'm like anti-Ben.
But also have you noticed that both of his high-profile relationships (Ben & Roman, Ben & Ethan) have ended in drama and the other person has seemed to be a lot more heartbroken. I still think Ben is cool and gorgeous but it just seems like an odd coincidence. I have a friend who also leaves a wake of broken hearts behind him...:P
I thought I got it from Definition of Man and then a flicker page, but I went back and couldn't find it there. But I definitely got it from a flicker page. That is why I didn't give credit for where I got it from. I heard that the Ginch Gonch schedule crushed them. Also, Ben is back with Roman.
Where did you hear they were back together, Sue? I'm friends with both of them on Myspace and neither one is friends with the other, there have been no bulletins or anything, and Roman's has said "In a relationship" from waaaay before the break up, with no "single" showing up at any point (unless it was like for just a couple days).
I mean, not that I stalk either of them via Myspace...
...shut up, I'm not creepy!
Wait, I just found an article that talks about it, but it's a totally different story than anything I've heard about the break up...jeez.
If this is the truth, can someone explain to me why anyone felt bad for Ben at any point?
I am clueless. I knew Ethan from his blog. He seemed sweet and moral and as if he wouldn't hurt a flea. I found his conservative politics a bit insipid and not in his best interest so I stopped reading his blog. But, more than that I can't tell ya. He seems to be the jilted party here.
Send us a link to the article you read, g cracker!
I have found two articles, now. Here they are:
It's down towards the bottom of the page.
Soooooo...really, can someone explain why anyone felt bad for Benjamin? I just do *not* get it in the face of those articles.
PS Sue, Ethan is a really sweet guy. We have talked a little teensy bit on Myspace, and he seems super nice. Since his blog was apparently written by his manager, I'm not sure those were actually his politics.
PPS Remember when I wrote about these two? Nobody's comments were this positive about them. :P Everyone was all "I'd rather read about you!" Whatever. :P
It all seemed like a Reichen style mutually beneficial publicity stunt to me. And it doesn't look like it would have been long before Ethan would have been doing porn too! lol
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