Thursday, January 10, 2008

Marc Anthony - I Need to Know

This music video is dedicated to Synrgy, who is looking into learning Salsa. I first saw Marc Anthony perform this song on the Today Show. I began to pour as he sang, and like a true entertainer, he stood out in the rain and sang his heart out to his nearly hysterical fans. Now, I am one of them too. [I sure wish I had studied Spanish, though this particular song is in English many of his songs are not.] Enjoy the video.


Y said...

I love Marc Anthony.I even bought his CD which was released in 2000 I think.There were so many gret songs in.

savante said...

Ah! That's you in the banner! And you look great!

Sue said...

Thanks Paul!

SYNRGY said...

Awww... Thanks Sue... The Music is HOT... I cant wait to start lessons... Too bad your not down here ... I'd make you take the lessons with me... ;)

Sue said...

See! I have nobody to take lessons with here! You would not have to "make" me at all! We would just go together and have a blast!