Sunday, January 28, 2007

Hello Graham! It Is Another New Link!

It is G Cracker's turn to be Queen for a day. The sneaky little drama/theater student linked to my blog when I wasn't looking. Not fair, I thought, so I linked to his blog, Ramblings and Grahamblings. See if he can handle the my legions of traffic. (Hardy har, har.) Let's see, what can I tell you about Graham? He is 19, his home is in PA, his school in Providence, and he is a club boy for cash. He is totally fab, awesome and loves to party. He is kind of like the toy surprise right out of the cereal box, still in the wrapping and no scratches on the plastic. Well, maybe a bit out of the wrapping. It promises lots of fun yet to be had.

So head on over to Graham's blog, take your shoes off and set a spell, y'hear?


Sh@ney said...

He's such a cutie Sue...I like his posts...xoxo

Sue said...

Me too Shaney!!! Thanks for dropping by!

about a boy said...

i love your little shout outs! and he is a cutie!

Sue said...

I do these for all my new links. They are fun to do and introduce my readers to what is at their disposal via my site. The best thing is everybody gets to be queen for a day!