I must be the last person on the planet to see this movie and this is not so much a movie review, as a lap dance for Mr. Craig. I must say, I fell for him hard as, “Bond. James Bond” in this film. He “disarmed” me, so to speak. Those icy blue eyes with that well muscled physique, the forceful sexuality and hot passion had me coming and going during the entire film. I would have extended him the five million dollar credit for the poker game just for him to spend one night with me; I wouldn’t even care if he won. I would have assuaged his bruised ego if need be.
I would have shared the blackmail plot with him and lived, where the stupid Vesper bimbo did not. Here is how that would have gone:
“James, darling.”
“Yes my sweet Sue”
I have to tell you something.”
What dear?”
“Back when you were being tortured, I made a deal to get you out. I was blackmailed to save your life and that of my French-Algerian boyfriend if I promised to hand over the money to them. I’m really sorry, but I am sure that you can understand why I did it.”
“Oh, of course! Don’t worry for a moment honey. We can triple cross them without much trouble. I will set the whole thing up and don’t you worry your pretty little head about it one more minute. Okay? I really am feeling much better. Shall I make mad passionate love to you now?”
“Your wish is my command, my love… Shall I run away to make it sporting for you? And then struggle and resist with all my strength?”
“Oh God, you know how to make me hot! You are on! I’ll give you a five second head start.”
Sigh. Have to breathe here. Feeling dizzy. Better now.
Right away, I bought him as a thug, when he strangled his first bad guy with his bare hands. The cool killer spy quickly followed as he dispatched both with a quick silenced shot; the last from his trademark 007 Walther PPK. Then he sold me on his action hero potential as he chased another bad guy through
He fills out a bathing suit quite nicely. Don’t you think? I’d rather he take it off. I am sure they have nude bathing there in
But, could this brute, Mr. Craig, handle being suave, debonair, a seducer of women at a formal event? Ah, yes he could. Most handily thank you.
But last, and not least, we have to see our hero tortured. So here he is in the infamous torture scene.
They saved this scene until the last day of shooting. How they did it is the bottom of the chair was covered with fiberglass. A cane rug beater was used to strike it, as could be seen in the movie. Mr. Craig could feel that the bottom was being hit, but was completely safe. On one hit the fiberglass cracked and Mr. Craig stood up suddenly and said, “Whoa, gotta go!”
I must say, I enjoyed the scene because Mr. Craig was nude and sweaty and looked hot in it. I did not for one moment believe that he was being tortured and the scene did not make me wince. I thought the scene was hot. What did you think?
By the way, I have rented more of his films on Netflix. Daniel Craig is my new favorite actor, so don’t even think of coming between us. Got that?
Hey Sue,
Im glad you have seen it now, As a self confesed Bond Freak, i really was not impressed when they names Craig as bond.
But after seeing the film i took it all back. Daniel Craig really has made Bond his own, and id go as far as saying he is the best so far, ( i know burn me at the stake but yes better if not equal to Connery)
Get in line, Sue. I saw him first. And again and again. Wow. There are no words.....
I have to agree with you Goldeneye. Had they started with Daniel, it would have been a whole different series.
Ah, but anon, I am staking my claim now. So push over! You've had your chance and time is up!
Perhaps with DC, there is enough to go around... :)
Sue, I've seen photos of his girlfriend. I think we can take her....
Hmmm that would make me a little slow then, being the movie luva that I am...I better race down to the Vid shop...Toodles!
Sorry anon, I hate to be pushy, but I'm not sharing!
M - I've had a look at her, and while I appreciate your offer, I think I can take her all by myself. Thanks anyway! :)
Okay, Shaney you do that and enjoy. But just remember, he is MINE!
Sorry, Sue, but I've been cyberstalking him for months...and you just got around to seeing the flick....you're at the back of the line, hon.
I beg to differ anon. Were I DC, I would go with a known quantity over anons. ME! So move over. You've lost. Accept it and move on. :)
At last my 2 cents, I still haven't seen the movie, I mostly wait till the rentals are in the store. Going to a movie theater is hard in a wheelchair, that's why.
i thought it was good but not one of the best but nothing wrong with the eye candy! hehe
Well Peter, I hope it comes out on rental soon because you are just going to love it!
Thanks for commenting Ryan!
i have yet to see it as well but its on my netflix!
I have no idea when Netfilx will get it. That could be quite a while. Were I you, I would see this one on the big screen if at all possible. Meanwhile, you could check out his other films on Netflix. :)
Daniel Craig is already my favorite Bond, and I actually am the last person on the planet to see Casino Royale -- I haven't seen it yet. Craig is just that hot that I already like him best.
He actually was my pretty person of the week at one point. Such a gorgeous man, SUHC a gorgeous man.
I still think Sean Connery is hotter as he ages ;)
G: your mission is to run to a theater and see this movie. Warning - it may make you feel funny in your pants. lol
Doug you are all wet on this one.
No G Cracker I am still yet to see it...Sue hon he is all yours...I dont think I like him that much...well not too cyber stalk him... :P
OK I go now...
Hold off on deciding just yet Shaney; you haven't seen him in action yet...
Um, besides, Sue and I still have to throw down over who gets him. But just for the record, he was first!
I wish I had time to go see a movie, but our campus' GSA has totally got me obligated tonight with their showing of "Boys Don't Cry". I was all for showing something with real (and HOT) boys in it, but the women in that group outnumber me.
Come and get me G! I can take you! hehehe
Phoey on those women. I'm with you; I'd want to see something hot!
Man he rocks. He sure loosened the stitches in my britches. Shaney's gone spit out his false teeth when he reads this. Jokes. He has all his teeth. Lets play together Sue.
You are on Hot4 dudes!
Thanks for this post. He's my favorite Bond and has finally made me a Bond fan.
Have you seen the beareded pics of him for The Golden Compass?
To spread the CraigJoy, I linked to your post on my Blog...
Thanks for the link Mike. No, I haven't seen the bearded Bond.
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