Monday, November 05, 2007

Afternoon Delight

Ladies and Gentlemen! Step right up to the best of butts competition! Cast your vote! Will it be:







UPDATE: And the winner is #5!


Jessica said...

#2, without a doubt. He's gonna be my bitch tonight. Later, y'all.

Doug said...

#5. Good luck with the election!

Anonymous said...

It's so hard to choose... but #5 gets my vote.

SYNRGY said...

I didn't think cantaloupes were still in season... Definitely #5... I love melons... Good Luck today

Y said...

I`m def fro #3!
Good luck with the election,Sue!
Cross my fingers!
I`m sure your next post will be "We won"!!!

about a boy said...

#5 is my vote. though #4 comes in pretty close.

im hungry!

Anonymous said...


dpaste said...

ya know, even though I missed this vote, they all kinda looked the same to me. In a good way, but pretty interchangeable.