Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pleasant Dreams

Ever wondered what was under a kilt? Here we go again lads and lassies!


Jessica said...

I'm #1 in line [behind Sue, should she wish to play with this boy].

Dennis Wayne Morgan Photography said...

...kilts are great fun but haven't caught on much here in Arkansas...I do have a few in the store but rarely sell one...I do enjoy when they try them on though.

SYNRGY said...

Nice.... I mean, would you look at that... Its just so... I mean... Hes got great lips...

about a boy said...

this man is gorgeous. and his member is insanely special.

and he lives here in the city. sigh.

Anonymous said...

So that's what Scotish Haggis looks like! Uhmmm, I'm licking my lips already...

Sue said...

Yes, he IS special. I shall have a go at him myself. The line forms behind me boys and Jessica. ;)