Monday, October 29, 2007

Pleasant Dreams

This evening it is very cold here in New England. Last night we had a light frost on the yellow and orange leaves that are on the ground. This fellow looks all warm and cozy, doesn't he? I think he would fit in between my sheets and under my down comforter nicely, don't you? Think how toasty we would be together. Things might even get heated under there. Imagine that!

Photo credit: So Slowly


Doug said...

I love, among many things, that he still has his socks on.

Cristiano Mancini said...

I would die to see the foliage with this men in my bed in New England, when is cold outside, and the fire is on....

Sue said...

Oh yes, I forgot. A fire in our wood stove! Absolutely!

Dennis Wayne Morgan Photography said...

Men and White Socks are the Best.

Jessica said...

I like how he seems so interested in his 'package.'

Nacho Silva said...

hi u doing?

see how serkan was valdir again? he deleted his blog and profiles again..this guy is insane....

best wishes from spain


Sue said...

White socks - to keep warm? They look so cozy. But what is with the black thingy on his legs?

Jessica - so he is a narcissist? Why not, he is pretty enough. I am sure he has a pretty package too.

Nacho - I answered you on your blog.

Y said...

A nice guy,bit I wish he wasn`t that shy and would show us more!

Y said...

And,Sue,my friend,there is nothing to forgive you for!

about a boy said...

le sigh!

SYNRGY said...

I bet he is agile as well... Grrrrrr