Sunday, September 23, 2007

Pleasant Dreams

Well, if you cannot afford to fly to San Francisco for the Folsom Street Fair, this is another way to get there on the cheap. So gentle readers, would you give him lift?

Photo credit: GlovedCopSF


Jessica said...

I'd give him a ride...

Sue said...

Yeah, but on what?

Grahamburger said...

Oh, Sue, don't ask silly questions.

Everyone can tell she's talking about her Vespa. :P

Y said...

I would give him much more...

savante said...

What exactly is he offering? :P

Cristiano Mancini said...

I think I saw him thsi morning on my way to work ..

Doug said...

A lift and a job.

Sue said...

G - Oh! A Vespa! At least that won't leave marks! hahaha

Cristiano - I would not at all be surprised. You never know what you see in NY!

Doug - Exactly!

dpaste said...

I can't say I'd give him a lift, he certainly is giving me one at the moment.

Sue said...

Ba dum bum! David will be here all evening ladies and gentleman, enjoy the veal!

mr tickle said...

this is so funny!

Anonymous said...

That's jake Dekkard...a fellow Tennesseean and a pretty cool guy

Jefferson said...

The school buses are a nice touch.

Sh@ney said...

I doubt very much I would be able to pick him up...I'd be back a few lanes in one of the fender bender's he caused!