Sunday, September 16, 2007

Pleasant Dreams

Okay. So picture yourself fast asleep, in er, um, Scotland. Yeah, right, that's the ticket. And as you are softly awakened, you look up and this is what you see. Good morning! Rise and shine! Wake up and smell the cock... wait, that's not how it goes. Beautiful tartan plaid, is it not? Plaid, who notices such a thing when all those jewels are there to stare at??? As well as that beautiful arse that is perfectly shaved no less. Who is drooling at this point?

Photo courtesy of Unnatural Devotions


Sh@ney said...

That is actually a very HOT vision...I am impressed with the model thats for sure...Geeez I better stop looking now...right now!

Jessica said...


Seriously ^that^ was my first thought.

Y said...

...nice to meet you and what`s your name,you scottish boy:)

Sue said...

How about "What's up, laddy buck?"

SYNRGY said...

Maybe I should change my vacation destination... Hmmmm Scotland....

Anonymous said...

Pleasant Dreams??? From this I stay wide awake! This is the hidden flute of the Highland pipers!

Sue said...

Ah, Syn. Yes Scotland can be fun.

Georg - ROFLMAO!

Anonymous said...

I'm imagining that it's Sean Lamont and I'm about to go to town...

Sue said...

Ok! Ray Ray wins this thread!

goldeneyeuk said...

I think we have met.