Sunday, August 24, 2008

On the Road Again

That's right kids, starting tomorrow morning I am off on the SeaJet from New London to Long Island to visit my Mother until Saturday. Aren't I a good daughter? I can't wait to see her puppy Vasco again. I hope to post some more photos of him. I will bring my laptop with me and hope to continue posting from Long Island.

Here is a pretty photo of a plum bonsai that I have had just forever.


Y said...

Have a good time with your mom,Sue!
Take the laptop,otherwise we`ll miss ya:)

Is this beautiful bonsai yours?Wow

Doug said...

Have fun, Sue!

Sue said...

Thanks guys! No the bonsai is not mine. If it was it would be dead! Ha!

Stan said...

Have a safe voyage. I love those ferry services. So miuch fun watching the seagulls try to follow.

Sue said...

Thanks Stan!