Sunday, August 03, 2008

Francesco D'Macho to Father Baby with Swedish Woman

Francesco was traveling in Sweden when he saw the woman of his dreams, the woman who would father his baby. He always knew he was gay, but he also wanted to have children someday. He was just waiting to find the right woman. Then, on the set of Sweden's Big Brother, he saw her, she was the winner. Tall and built seductively, he knew this was to be the mother of his children. He plans to bring her back to Madrid with him and help her find a place of her own there.

All of this is total fiction. If you believed any of it I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you.

Photo source: Francesco D'Macho


Y said...

Well much better her in Madrid than him in Stockholm.Though I dooon`t know,Sue.I think she`ll return back to Sweden after a week when she realizes that she`ll be kind of overshadowed by his hot male friends and neighbours in Madrid.
I admit she is stunning but I still like my Francesco better!:)
He is the ONE!

Oh and how much does one of your bridges in Brooklyn cost:))))

Sue said...

So does your inquiry mean that you fell for my story?

Unknown said...

oh god LOL

Sue said...

Phew! I am so glad you found this funny Francesco! Now I can keep it posted! To be honest, I worried all night that you wouldn't see the humor in it. I am so glad that you can take a joke. :)

Cristiano Mancini said...

I can totaly see Francesco with this girl. He has an obsession with Jenna Jameson , this one is the better , taller version ! I like her too !

Sue said...

That is what I was hoping when I did this post Cristiano! It just seemed a natural to me that this is the kind of woman that he would want to make babies with. She is nearly perfect in an Aryan sort of way.

Y said...

Pitt/Jolie would envy them!:)

Tomas said...

What a load of bollocks!