Friday, December 15, 2006

Friday Fantasy - A Night at the Ballet

When I wrote the Nutcracker post, I had to keep it G rated so that my 13 year old niece could read it. Typically she is not allowed to read her Auntie’s blog, for reasons I am sure you can understand. Here is the real dirt. In one of the dances, the male dancer was bare-chested, even showing a bit of trail below his navel, and the female was wearing a harem-type outfit (but who cares about her). As my sister whispered to me, “Lose the skirt.” The whole dance was so sexy and seductive, to quote a fellow blogger, it made me feel funny in my pants.

When Evie and I went back stage, that dancer was still shirtless with all of his male buddies all around him and having his picture taken with female fans. Still your hearts guys, he has a girl friend. We were about to head over there, when our husbands showed up. So close, and yet so far. Although, it would have been really bad had we been caught. They also had two West Point Cadets in the performance that played the soldiers and they were just adorable. One was blond and one was brunette. At the cast party the next day, they showed up in tight tee shirts and were both very muscular. The brunette knew the samba, and danced the salsa with the 60 year old wife of the company owner. He was running his hands all up and down her front and back and I guess it was quite a thrill for her. Who wouldn’t it have been a thrill for?

So for this week’s fantasy, I offer a male ballet dancer. Ethan Stiefel came to my attention in the movie Center Stage. I have always liked ballet because there are men in tights and you can just see everything. Little is left to the imagination. All the muscle groups are readily apparent, buttocks, quadriceps, and calves, just everything. Then there is the bulge. Yum. Nothing is better than that. So, without further ado, here is Ethan:

Click on any image to enlarge

I thoroughly enjoyed Center Stage and if you like oogling the men of dance, you might like it too. Another movie with ballet dancers you might like is The Turning Point with Mikhail Barshinikov. So, check out these two movies and spend a Friday Fantasy night at the ballet.


Ryan said...

he's very hot!

Sh@ney said...

I actually love that movie (Centre Stage)Sue...Have seen it many times...If a guy ever walked up to me & said "Hi, I am a ballroom dancer, gymnist & a hopeless romantic"....Id check my pulse immediately..Good too see you kept your cool around those hunky men...xox Mind you I wish I could have been there...:P

Sue said...

Ryan, I know. ;)

Shaney I am so glad that you have seen the movie and liked it. At one point backstage, my sister asked if I had seen enough, and I replied that no I hadn't. She winked and told me that she knew what I meant. It would have been cool if you had been there. One of the dancers was gay and very cute. All the male dancers were easy on the eyes. Check out The Turning Point. It was made in 1977, when Mikhail was young.

Anonymous said...

I will have to do that...I have always loved any movie with "Dance" as the theme whether it be ballet, ballroom or a more modern dance...I loved "Save the last Dance" as well as "Shall we Dance" & the most recent one with Antonio Banderas (Can't recall the name) but I enjoyed it...hehe
I only wish I had some rythum...For me to dance I have to have a few too many glasses of personality, but when I get jiggy on the dancefloor it is very hard to get me